Armut in Zürich (1965), SRF Archiv -
Paul Watzlawick, Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein
Jean Genet, Der Balkon - Paul Watzlawick
Jean Genet, Der Balkon - Paul Watzlawick
Erwing Goffman, Wir alle spielen Theater
Aufzeichnung Paul Morand, Coco Chanel. Die Kunst, Chanel zu sein.
Würdest du Herrn Kafka, wenn wir ihn im Treppenhaus zufällig sehen, mal zum Mittagessen einladen? - Hat er denn Hunger? fragte sie. - Vermutlich, sagte ich, er arbeitet bei einer Versicherung und verdient wenig. - Und du meinst, er würde sich mit ein paar Pfannkuchen zufriedengeben? - Warum nicht? fragte ich.
Physiognomie - Stereotypen
Physiognomie - Prozedur
Physiognomiestudie -
Funktion ergibt sich aus der Form
was nur kostet / ein tropfen / dyalise - / tausch von lebenselexir / gegen analyse - / nichtig sei / der ärzte gier / in der zahlen rausch / es ist nur / eine reinigung / durch bluten / mit wendung / zum guten / für mich / aber blass / ists und bleibts / ein aderlass
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
correctiv medical mechanical methodes
Aino & Alvar Aalto, Tuberkulose-Sanatorium
Aino & Alvar Aalto, Tuberkulose-Sanatorium
Fit For Work
Arianna Reines, Q: Does a day that is empty denude anything, The Cow, 2006
Benedikt Bock, Poppy Seed or Loneliness vs Discipline, Schlüssel is Key, 2019
Didier Eribon, from Returning to Reims, 2018
Issy Wood, October 8 2016, When You I Feel, 2017
Issy Wood, April 4 2017, When You I Feel, 2017
Issy Wood, September 5 2016, When You I Feel, 2017
La Jetée - Chris Marker (1962)
Afrofuturism : The Time Overlapse
La Poudre - Épisode 70 - Fania Noël
Tentacular Thinking:
Radioscopie : Roland Barthes (1975)
The Artic City
what happened to our future?
Human Mask
where and when to believe - flame
quarantäne - den eisbären mal reinhalten, jörg immendorff
when human and animal worlds collide
Shared by Torsten Lange: Paul B. Preciado, Vom Virus lernen, 10 April 2020. Read here:
things we allegedly can't have except that we can, April 9 2020, see all here:
Top 100 Fastest Growing & Declining Categories in E-commerce, 9 April 2020, See here:
Georgia Sagri, Pandemic bla bla, Athens, 7 April 2020
Georgia Sagri, Pandemic bla bla, Athens, 7 April 2020
Georgia Sagri, Pandemic bla bla, Athens, 7 April 2020
Georgia Sagri, Pandemic bla bla, Athens, 7 April 2020
Shared by Laurent Stalder: Globe by Sam Jacob, 6 April 2020, Read here:
Shared by Meghan Rolvien: William Gibson on the End of the Future, 6 April 2020, Listen here:
Benjamin H. Bratton, 18 Lessons of Quarantine Urbanism, 5 April 2020, Read here:
Nicholas Casey, College Made Them Feel Equal. The Virus Exposed How Unequal Their Lives Are, 5 April 2020, Read here:
Letters against Separation – Claire Fontaine in Italy, added on 5 April 2020, read here:
Shared by Stephan Trueby: The Plague Column, Vienna, designed by Lodovico Burnacini, Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, Paul Strudl and others; devised after the Great Plague epidemic in 1679 and inaugurated in 1694 (engraving by Salomon Kleiner), 4 April 2020
Eine feministische Antwort auf Corona & die Kapitalismuskrise, 3 April 2020, Read here:
Sara Sherif, epistolary talk, to Guillaume, #1, 26-03-2020, Zurich, added 2 April 2020: Listen here:
Sabeth Buchmann, Im virtuellen Kollektiv gesprochen, 1 April 2020, Read here:
Cura, The Extended Confinement Tape 1 by UF1980, 1 April 2020, Listen here:
Frances Stark, Some Selections From Nearby Stacks, 31 March 2020, Read here:
Anonymous interview, 31 March 2020, Zurich
Anonymous interview, 31 March 2020, Zurich
Anonymous interview, 31 March 2020, Zurich
Bifo, Beyond the Breakdown: Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath, 29 March 2020, Read here:
Joshua Clover, The Rise and Fall of Biopolitics: A Response to Bruno Latour, 29 March 2020, Read here:
Bruno Latour, What protective measures can you think of so we don’t go back to the pre-crisis production model?, 29 March 2020, Read here:
diepiste, Bahnhofstrasse, 29 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, Migros Bank, 29 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, 29 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, Bäckeranlage, 29 March 2020, Zurich
Interview with Noam Chomsky, Coronavirus – What is at stake?, 28 March 2020, Link:
Anonymous, Monologue du Virus, March 27, Lundimatin, Read here:
Laurent Stalder, Polyklinik, CHUV, 27 March 2020, Lausanne
Shared by Gabrielle Schaad, Pirate Care Syllabus, 27 March 2020, Link:
Shared by Torsten Lange: The Care Collective, A Crisis of Care, 26 March 2020, Read here:
Shared by Torsten Lange: Nick Martin, Against Productivity in a Pandemic, 17 March 2020, Read here:
Shared by Gabrielle Schaad, Tom Holert, Fragilität und Nützlichkeit, 26 March 2020, Read here:
diepiste, No visits, no passage. Home for the Elderly, 27 March 2020, Zurich
Sarah Hummel, Architektur und Stadt ohne Nutzer, 27 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, Standing in a deserted St. Peter’s Square with a steady rain falling, Pope Francis held a special ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing on Friday (Rome), 27 March 2020, Zurich
Text by Paul B. Preciado, The Losers Conspiracy, 26 March 2020, Read here:
Alex Winiger, Befall (Studie XIII), ink on paper, 2008, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Alex Winiger, Befall II, 2008, ink on paper, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Alex Winiger, (Vor einigen Jahren, bereits lange nach SARS I (2002) und noch vor der Schweinegrippe (2009) lancierte das Luzerner Fumettofestival das Thema Virus. Ich schickte einige Tuschearbeiten ein, stellte diese 2011 in Genf aus und vergass sie, bis…) Befall I, ink on paper, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Bruno Latour, Is This a Dress Rehearsal?, 26 March 2020, Read here:
Sara Sherif, epistolary talk, to Guillaume, #1, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Sara Sherif, epistolary talk, to Guillaume, #1, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Alfie Morningstar, Bleiben Sie zu Hause. Bitte. Alle., Bahnhofstrasse Zurich, 26 March 2020
Daniel Sommer, Retail Apocalypse, 26 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, G. and V. leave the house every morning, walk two laps around the courtyard and go back home ‘to school’, 26 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, Fuck Corona, 26 March 2020, Zurich
diepiste, Place your order here. Do not enter restricted area. Thank you, 26 March 2020, Zurich
Bruno Latour, La crise sanitaire incite à se préparer à la mutation climatique, 25 March 2020, Read here:
diepiste, Shopping in the time of COVID-19, 25 March, Zurich
diepiste, Shopping in the time of COVID-19, 25 March, Zurich
diepiste, Shopping in the time of COVID-19, 25 March, Zurich
diepiste, Madrid turns an ice rink into a mortuary, 25 March, Zurich
Shared by Gabrielle Schaad, Andrew Russeth, Maintenance Work, 24 March 2020, Read here:
Text by Franco 'Bifo' Berardi, Diary of the psycho-delation, 18 March 2020, Link:
Shared by Torsten Lange: Megan Zahneis, The Covid-19 Crisis Is Widening the Gap Between Secure and Insecure Instructors, 18 March 2020, Read here:
Venkatesh Rao, Domestic Cozy and Plot Economics, 18 March 2020, Read here:
diepiste, US late-night show hosts broadcast from their private homes, 24 March, Zurich
Text by Catherine Malabou, To Quarantine from Quarantine: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”, 23 March 2020, Read here:
Laurent Stalder / Christophe Girot, Justificatif de Déplacement Professionnel, 17 March 2020, Zurich
Simona Mele, Jelmoli. Shop Now?, 20 March 2020, Zurich
Fredi Fischli, Leave the House (Villa Borghese), 17 March 2020, Rome
Momoyo Kaijima, Shake Feet!, 11 March 2020, Zurich